Saturday, July 18, 2009

Customer Review

Here's a customer review that was sent to us by an Ab Circle Pro customer named Julie:
Hi. My husband bought me the Ab Circle Pro in May and I have to say that I'm definitely not thrilled with this machine. It's not the worst piece of exercise equipment I've ever bought but it's really not all that great. After using it (or at least trying to use it) at least 4 times a week for nearly 2 months, I've pretty much given up on it. At first it seemed like a novel and enjoyable way to workout and burn off some of my belly fat for summer bikini season. That lasted for about 2 and a half weeks. After that it became an unenjoyable "chore" to use. I almost always ended up spending less than 10 minutes on it before I just got tired of the thing. It's not that it's really uncomfortable. In fact in terms of comfort it beats most other abdominal machines I've used. It's just that the unnatural "hip swing" movement gets really boring and monotonous really fast. Yes, you do work up a sweat and, yes, you can feel it in your abs/midsection... but there are other more enjoyable ways to do the same things. I actually prefer running on a boring treadmill to the swinging around on the Ab Circle Pro. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I hope you can use this on your blog so it helps someone else.

- Julie H., Redmond, WA

Thanks a lot Julie!

Do you have your own Ab Circle Pro review or testimonial that you'd like to share with the world? Then send it to us at justfitreviews [at] !

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