Tuesday, June 30, 2009

About the Ab Circle Pro

Due our long work hours and loads of junk and greasy food that we consume, we are becoming fatter and less active. Now more than ever, exercise is essential to our livelihood and well being. Being overweight hinders our ability to do normal activities and prevents us to live life to its fullest. Since we drive almost everywhere now, the simplest actions, such as walking and running, become difficult. Our diets are also killing our bodies slowly. Many of our stomachs are filled with foods and treats high in salt, fat, and sugar. Luckily, there is a solution to break this unhealthy and monotonous lifestyle. The Ab Circle Pro is a new compact exercise machine that allows you to experience a full abdominal and cardio workout with only 20 to 30 minutes a day for about five days a week.

Normally, an abdominal workout meant lying on the floor doing sit ups. These are very difficult to do correctly and, usually, one will have a sore neck, painful back, and will be without the toned stomach muscles that he or she had wanted. The Ab Circle Pro remedies these problems by raising you off of the floor into a supported position where you are resting on your hands and knees. The design of the Ab Circle Pro allows your abdominals to be exercised while keeping them flat and forcing you to do a perfect crunch every time.

The Ab Circle Pro glides along a frictionless sliding track from side to side, working both your stomach and waist muscles while also giving you a cardiovascular workout. Both your heart and lungs are being conditioned and you burn calories for weight loss. Your arms and shoulders are also being strengthened by your bodyweight. As they support your upper body on the Ab Circle Pro, your arms and shoulders receive a workout that makes muscle and helps build bone density to ensure that your bones are not weak latter in life.

The Ab Circle Pro costs somewhat less that $200, a fraction of the cost of a treadmill or home gym. Its small design also enables it to be folded and stored under a bed or in a closet, something that the bulky gym equipment cannot do. You can also try the Ab Circle Pro for 30 for only $14.95. You can send it back if you are not satisfied with the results but judging by the quick and astounding results of others, you probably will not want to. Regular use of the Ab Circle Pro, along with a healthy diet, will allow you to drop a significant amount of weight and give you those toned abs that you have been wanting for some time.

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